This map shows further detailed information about the studies included in this EGM. By clicking on countries on this map, summaries of the studies conducted in those countries and the links to their sources are displayed.

Map of Asia-Pacific region showing distribution of evidence.

Low and Middle Income Country Not a Low and Middle Income Country Source: DFAT 2018

This EGM has two main dimensions, with interventions in the rows and intended outcomes in the columns. It displays how much evidence is available under a particular domain and therefore also shows any gaps in the evidence. The size of the bubble represents the amount of evidence that is available and the number of studies. Further details is displayed by clicking on the cell.

The studies can be filtered by country and intervention type through the drop-down menus.

The EGM shows the confidence ratings in two colors – pink and blue. Pink suggests that a study has described an intervention’s intended outcomes without providing sufficient evidence of what has been achieved. Blue represents studies/papers that provide actual results from the interventions.

Teacher outcomes
Student outcomes
TPD Intervention
Attitudes, knowledge and understanding
Pedagogical changes
Enabling positive student behaviour
Confidence and efficacy to implement
Learning and achievement
Behaviour and engagement
Social and emotional learning / wellbeing
Disabilities and impairments:
Special interest groups:
Actual outcomes reported Only intended outcomes reported

Find out more about the research

ACER Discover article: Enabling teachers to support students with disability

Full publication: Teacher professional development for disability inclusion in low- and middle-income Asia-Pacific countries: An evidence and gap map