This gap map visualises publicly available country-level data that can assist in addressing inequities in education in the ASEAN region. For each country, available data is presented by theme, sub-theme and indicator at 5 key stages of education. Each circle illustrates the data available within the specified timeframe.
A clear circle indicates no data is available for proposed indicator(s). A half-coloured circle shows that only a proportion of the proposed indicators have data available. A full-coloured circle shows there is available data for the indicator(s). Hovering on each circle displays the data sources within the specified timeframe.
For example, in Cambodia, ‘learning performance’ data is available from 2019-2023 for 4 of the 5 stages of education. However, Cambodia only has ‘learning performance’ data to report against end of primary minimum proficiency levels (MPLs) and not the early years MPLs.
This work is informed by a conceptual framework that recognises that equitable access to quality lifelong learning for girls, women, and marginalised groups, can support educational, social and economic empowerment.
The selection of indicators is underpinned by set criteria relevant to the education priorities of ASEAN, the ASEAN-UK SAGE Programme, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The indicators are comparable, and data sources are credible, readily available and can be disaggregated. They also build on existing monitoring processes.
The scan of data availability involved a range of data sources:
- DHS: The Demographic and Health Surveys,
- ILO: International Labour Organization data portal,
- MICS: Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys,
- PISA: Programme for International Student Assessment,
- SEA-PLM: Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics,
- TIMMS: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study,
- UIS: UNESCO Institute for Statistics data portals, and
Where possible, indicators have been drawn from household surveys. Household surveys are the only source of data covering girls, women and marginalised groups outside of the formal education system, making them critical to understanding equity in education.